  • Abide by the safety regulations of the Education Bureau, we have arranged regular safety inspection on building structure, fire fighting apparatus, gases and stoves, and electrical apparatus, to ensure the safety and normal operation of our school.
  • We have fire safety regulations and conduct fire drills periodically to ensure that correct fire fighting awareness have been acquired by everyone.
  • For the health of children, teachers hold valid first aid certificate.
  • Safety and health caring facilities are installed at the gate, including electric lock, mosquito screen, fire fighting facilities, safe mats, safe door gaskets, and surveillance cameras.
  • Students entering the school are asked to change their shoes and parents have to wear shoe covers to guarantee the sanitation.
  • Classroom is designed into different interest corner. In addition, the layout of the classroom is periodically changed according to the curriculum plan so as to give children a fresh impression all the time. This can arouse children’s interest in learning, creativity and exploration.
  • An outdoor playground is nearby the school that children can play physical games in the sunshine to enhance their physical fitness and health.
GIRL1 (已退地)

Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it. — Proverbs 22: 6




2650 9286


G/F, No 117-124, Hing Wo House, Po Nga Court, Tai Po (Tai Wo Station)


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